BLOG Show all Biocompatibility and Safety Cable Jacket Materials Custom Cable Assemblies Design For Manufacturability Medical Cables Quality Management System Solder joint Wearable Devices Medical Cable Assemblies: Overmolded and AssembledDecember 5, 2022by Regine Pura Medical Device History: Einthoven’s Triangle and the ElectrocardiogramOctober 27, 2022by Regine Pura The Importance of Certifications: ISO 13485 and FDA OverviewSeptember 29, 2022by Regine Pura Ingress Protection & Medical CablesMarch 25, 2022by Matt Pathmajeyan Overmold Tool Design – Leveraging ExperienceOctober 30, 2021by Matt Pathmajeyan Fundamentals of Cable Assembly OvermoldingAugust 17, 2021by Matt Pathmajeyan The Recipe for Product SpecificationsApril 14, 2021by Matt Pathmajeyan Medical Cables and Wires: Triboelectric NoiseFebruary 16, 2021by Matt Pathmajeyan Creating the Perfect Medical CableNovember 13, 2020by Hank Mancini FOCUSSeptember 21, 2020by Hank Mancini Medical Cable Over-mold Materials – Part III of IV: A Highlight on Silicone (LSR)September 10, 2020by Matt Pathmajeyan Medical Cable Over-mold Materials – Part II of IV: A Spotlight on Thermoplastic Elastomers/Rubber (TPE/TPR)July 27, 2020by Matt Pathmajeyan